Source code for contact_map.concurrence

import itertools
import mdtraj as md
import numpy as np

import contact_map
from .contact_map import ContactObject

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:

[docs]class Concurrence(object): """Superclass for contact concurrence objects. Contact concurrences measure what contacts occur simultaneously in a trajectory. When defining states, one usually wants to characterize based on multiple contacts that are made simultaneously; contact concurrences makes it easier to identify those. Parameters ---------- values : list of list of bool the whether a contact is present for each contact pair at each point in time; inner list is length number of frames, outer list in length number of (included) contacts labels : list of string labels for each contact pair """
[docs] def __init__(self, values, labels=None): self.values = values self.labels = labels
# @property # def lifetimes(self): # pass
[docs] def set_labels(self, labels): """Set the contact labels Parameters ---------- labels : list of string labels for each contact pair """ self.labels = labels
def __getitem__(self, label): idx = self.labels.index(label) return self.values[idx]
# temporarily removed until we find a good metric here; this metric did # not seem optimal and I stopped using it, so remove from code before # release (can add back in later) # def coincidence(self, label_list): # this_list = np.asarray(self[label_list[0]]) # coincidence_list = this_list # norm_sq = sum(this_list) # for label in label_list[1:]: # this_list = np.asarray(self[label]) # coincidence_list &= this_list # norm_sq *= sum(this_list) # return sum(coincidence_list) / np.sqrt(norm_sq) def _regularize_contact_input(contact_input, atom_or_res): """Clean input for concurrence objects. The allowed inputs are the :class:`.ContactFrequency`, or the :class:`.ContactObject` coming from the ``.atom_contacts`` or ``.residue_contacts`` attribute of the contact frequency, or the list coming from the ``.most_common()`` method for the :class:`.ContactObject`. Parameters ---------- contact_input : many possible types; see method description input to the contact concurrences atom_or_res : string whether to treat this as an atom-based or residue-based contact; allowed values are "atom", "res", and "residue" Returns ------- list : list in the format of ``ContactCount.most_common()`` """ if isinstance(contact_input, ContactObject): contact_input = contact_input.contacts[atom_or_res] if isinstance(contact_input, contact_map.ContactCount): contact_input = contact_input.most_common() return contact_input
[docs]class AtomContactConcurrence(Concurrence): """Contact concurrences for atom contacts. Parameters ---------- trajectory : :class:`mdtraj.Trajectory` the trajectory to analyze atom_contacts : list output from ``contact_map.atom_contacts.most_common()`` cutoff : float cutoff, in nm. Should be the same as used in the contact map. """
[docs] def __init__(self, trajectory, atom_contacts, cutoff=0.45): atom_contacts = _regularize_contact_input(atom_contacts, "atom") atom_pairs = [[contact[0][0].index, contact[0][1].index] for contact in atom_contacts] labels = [str(contact[0]) for contact in atom_contacts] distances = md.compute_distances(trajectory, atom_pairs=atom_pairs) vector_f = np.vectorize(lambda d: d < cutoff) # transpose because distances is ndarray shape (n_frames, # n_contacts); values should be list shape (n_contacts, n_frames) values = vector_f(distances).T.tolist() super(AtomContactConcurrence, self).__init__(values=values, labels=labels)
[docs]class ResidueContactConcurrence(Concurrence): """Contact concurrences for residue contacts. Parameters ---------- trajectory : :class:`mdtraj.Trajectory` the trajectory to analyze residue_contacts : list output from ``contact_map.residue_contacts.most_common()`` cutoff : float cutoff, in nm. Should be the same as used in the contact map. select : string additional atom selection string for MDTraj; defaults to "and symbol != 'H'" """
[docs] def __init__(self, trajectory, residue_contacts, cutoff=0.45, select="and symbol != 'H'"): residue_contacts = _regularize_contact_input(residue_contacts, "residue") residue_pairs = [[contact[0][0], contact[0][1]] for contact in residue_contacts] labels = [str(contact[0]) for contact in residue_contacts] values = [] select_residue = lambda idx: "resid " + str(idx) + " " + select ) for res_A, res_B in residue_pairs: atoms_A = select_residue(res_A.index) atoms_B = select_residue(res_B.index) atom_pairs = itertools.product(atoms_A, atoms_B) distances = md.compute_distances(trajectory, atom_pairs=atom_pairs) min_dists = [min(dists) for dists in distances] values.append([d < cutoff for d in min_dists]) super(ResidueContactConcurrence, self).__init__(values=values, labels=labels)
[docs]class ConcurrencePlotter(object): """Plot manager for contact concurrences. Parameters ---------- concurrence : :class:`.Concurrence` concurrence to plot; default None allows to override later labels : list of string labels for the contact pairs, default None will use concurrence labels if available, integers if not x_values : list of numeric values to use for the time axis; default None uses integers starting at 0 (can be used to assign the actual simulation time to the x-axis) """
[docs] def __init__(self, concurrence=None, labels=None, x_values=None): self.concurrence = concurrence self.labels = self.get_concurrence_labels(concurrence, labels) self._x_values = x_values
[docs] @staticmethod def get_concurrence_labels(concurrence, labels=None): """Extract labels for contact from a concurrence object If ``labels`` is given, that is returned. Otherwise, the ``concurrence`` is checked for labels, and those are used. If those are also not available, string forms of integers starting with 0 are returned. Parameters ---------- concurrence : :class:`.Concurrence` concurrence, which may have label information labels : list of string labels to use for contacts (optional) Returns ------- list of string labels to use for contacts """ if labels is None: if concurrence and concurrence.labels is not None: labels = concurrence.labels else: labels = [str(i) for i in range(len(concurrence.values))] return labels
@property def x_values(self): """list : values to use for the x-axis (time)""" x_values = self._x_values if x_values is None: x_values = list(range(len(self.concurrence.values[0]))) return x_values @x_values.setter def x_values(self, x_values): self._x_values = x_values
[docs] def plot(self, concurrence=None, **kwargs): """Contact concurrence plot based on matplotlib Additional kwargs given here will be passed to the matplotlib ``Axes.plot()`` method. Parameters ---------- concurrence : :class:`.Concurrence` optional; default None uses ``self.concurrence``; this allows one to override the use of ``self.concurrence`` Returns ------- fig : :class:`.matplotlib.Figure` ax : :class:`.matplotlib.Axes` lgd: :class:`.matplotlib.legend.Legend` objects for matplotlib-based plot of contact concurrences """ if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("matplotlib not installed") if concurrence is None: concurrence = self.concurrence labels = self.get_concurrence_labels(concurrence=concurrence) x_values = self.x_values fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plot_kwargs = {'markersize': 1} plot_kwargs.update(kwargs) y_val = -1.0 for label, val_set in zip(labels, concurrence.values): x_vals = [x for (x, y) in zip(x_values, val_set) if y] ax.plot(x_vals, [y_val] * len(x_vals), '.', label=label, **plot_kwargs) y_val -= 1.0 ax.set_ylim(top=0.0) ax.set_xlim(left=min(x_values), right=max(x_values)) ax.set_yticks([]) lgd = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) return (fig, ax, lgd)
[docs]def plot_concurrence(concurrence, labels=None, x_values=None, **kwargs): # -no-cov- """ Convenience function for concurrence plots. Additional kwargs given here will be passed to the matplotlib ``Axes.plot()`` method. Parameters ---------- concurrence : :class:`.Concurrence` concurrence to be plotted labels: list of string labels for contacts (optional) x_values : list of float or list of int values to use for the x-axis See also -------- :class:`.ConcurrencePlotter` """ return ConcurrencePlotter(concurrence, labels, x_values).plot(**kwargs)