
Task-based implementation of ContactFrequency.

The overall algorithm is:

  1. Identify how we’re going to slice up the trajectory into task-based chunks (block_slices(), default_slices())

  2. On each node
    1. Load the trajectory segment (load_trajectory_task())

    2. Run the analysis on the segment (map_task())

  3. Once all the results have been collected, combine them (reduce_all_results())


Includes versions where messages are Python objects and versions (labelled with _json) where messages have been JSON-serialized. However, we don’t yet have a solution for JSON serialization of MDTraj objects, so if JSON serialization is the communication method, the loading of the trajectory and the calculation of the contacts must be combined into a single task.


block_slices(n_total, n_per_block)

Determine slices for splitting the input array.

default_slices(n_total, n_workers)

Calculate default slices from number of workers.

load_trajectory_task(subslice, file_name, …)

Task for loading file.

map_task(subtrajectory, parameters)

Task to be mapped to all subtrajectories.

map_task_json(subtrajectory, parameters)

JSON-serialized version of map_task()


Combine multiple ContactFrequency objects into one


JSON-serialized version of reduce_all_results()