
class contact_map.ContactMap(frame, query=None, haystack=None, cutoff=0.45, n_neighbors_ignored=2)[source]

Contact map (atomic and residue) for a single frame.

__init__(frame, query=None, haystack=None, cutoff=0.45, n_neighbors_ignored=2)[source]


__init__(frame[, query, haystack, cutoff, …])
contact_map(trajectory, frame_number, …) Returns atom and residue contact maps for the given frame.
from_dict(dct) Create object from dict.
from_file(filename) Load this object from a given file
from_json(json_string) Create object from JSON string
most_common_atoms_for_contact(contact_pair) Most common atom contacts for a given residue contact pair
most_common_atoms_for_residue(residue) Most common atom contact pairs for contacts with the given residue
save_to_file(filename[, mode]) Save this object to the given file.
to_dict() Convert object to a dict.
to_json() JSON-serialized version of this object.
contact_map(trajectory, frame_number, residue_query_atom_idxs, residue_ignore_atom_idxs)

Returns atom and residue contact maps for the given frame.

  • frame (mdtraj.Trajectory) – the desired frame (uses the first frame in this trajectory)
  • residue_query_atom_idxs (dict) –
  • residue_ignore_atom_idxs (dict) –

  • atom_contacts (collections.Counter)
  • residue_contact (collections.Counter)


float – cutoff distance for contacts, in nanometers


Create object from dict.

Parameters:dct (dict) – dict-formatted serialization (see to_dict for details)

See also



Load this object from a given file

Parameters:filename (string) – the file to read from
Returns:the reloaded object
Return type:ContactObject

See also

save to a file

Create object from JSON string

Parameters:json_string (str) – JSON-serialized version of the object

See also



list of int – indices of atoms to include as haystack


Most common atom contacts for a given residue contact pair

Parameters:contact_pair (length 2 list of Residue or int) – the residue contact pair for which the most common atom contact pairs will be calculated
Returns:Atom contact pairs for the residue contact pair, in order of frequency. Referring to the list as l, each element of the list l[e] consists of two parts: l[e][0] is a list containing the two MDTraj Atom objects that make up the contact, and l[e][1] is the measure of how often the contact occurs.
Return type:list

Most common atom contact pairs for contacts with the given residue

Parameters:residue (Residue or int) – the Residue object or index representing the residue for which the most common atom contact pairs will be calculated
Returns:Atom contact pairs involving given residue, order of frequency. Referring to the list as l, each element of the list l[e] consists of two parts: l[e][0] is a list containing the two MDTraj Atom objects that make up the contact, and l[e][1] is the measure of how often the contact occurs.
Return type:list

int – number of neighbor residues (in same chain) to ignore


list of int – indices of atoms to include as query


dict – maps query residue index to atom indices to ignore


dict – maps query residue index to atom indices in query

save_to_file(filename, mode='w')

Save this object to the given file.

  • filename (string) – the file to write to
  • mode ('w' or 'a') – file writing mode. Use ‘w’ to overwrite, ‘a’ to append. Note that writing by bytes (‘b’ flag) is automatically added.

See also

load from generated file

Convert object to a dict.

Keys should be strings; values should be (JSON-) serializable.

See also



JSON-serialized version of this object.

See also



mdtraj.Topology – topology object for this system

The topology includes information about the atoms, how they are grouped into residues, and how the residues are grouped into chains.